A picture tells a thousand words: Instagram for business

For my social media presence, I have concentrated my efforts on places like Twitter, LinkedIn and blogging. I’m feeling like it’s time to branch out, so I’m getting interested in Instagram and how it can be used for business. The following provides a great overview for those who may be on the fence.


Businesses today are very much familiar with the inner workings of all things social media. From innovating catchy hash tags on twitter to generating a mass of ‘likes’ of Facebook, most organisations have social platforms covered.

In saying this, while almost every brand appears to be on twitter or Facebook, there is one platform, that isn’t quite receiving all the attention it may deserve.

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It is time for brands and businesses to start taking the instagram platform seriously. This year Instagram announced its brand new clickable links in its multi photo carousel ads. This allows users to swipe through carousel ads to “learn more” with links that will open up a URL.

In conjunction with advertising, there are many other ways businesses can take full advantage of the Instagram platform. Effective ‘instagramming’ has the potential to significantly enhance the human qualities of your brand. Here are some tips to get…

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How You Can Share Accomplishments Without Bragging

Here is a great follow-up to a recent article I posted about the benefits of tooting your own horn. I wrote about the why, and Ann has delved into the delivery. How you are perceived will depend largely on how you convey the information. Ann has a non-profit focus, but the principles apply broadly.

Ann Green's Nonprofit Blog

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We all know someone who talks too much about himself or brags about all the wonderful things she’s done.  Once this person gets going, it’s enough to make you want to flee the room.  Imagine your donors having the same reaction when all your communications sound like one big bragfest. You don’t want to be that guy

Of course, you want to share your accomplishments, and it’s possible do it without bragging. Here’s how.

Be donor-centered

You don’t need to tell your donors your organization is great. They wouldn’t have given you money if they didn’t think highly of you.

Let your donors know they’re great because they helped you make a difference for the people or community you serve. Give specific examples.  Because of donors like you, Rachel can sleep in her own bed tonight.

All your communications should be donor or audience-centered.  One way to ensure this…

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Laid-back reads for PR pros

Here are some great reading suggestions from Alex Rogers. I think I’ll be visiting my local Chapters this weekend …

Alex Rodgers

Though the last thing you want to do at the end of the work day is to further immerse yourself in the field, many PR enthusiasts find the time to kick back with a good book (including myself). Below are a handful of texts I’d recommend for some light reading and learning:

  1. So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (2015). Jon Ronson. Written by a bestselling author, Ronson delves into the world of public shaming, specifically online shaming with the explosionapril_h of online media. He does an excellent job of raising the issue of the social mob – something that has a lasting impact (tangible or psychological) on its victims. For the book, Ronson met with high-profile individuals who had been publicly shamed, including PR pro Justine Sacco (forget her story? Reminder here).
  2. Youth, Identity and Digital Media (2007). David Buckingham. You’ll have to forgive this book – one of its…

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How to effectively measure public relations

Photo courtesy of Niuton may on Flickr Photo courtesy of Niuton may on Flickr

Rob Swystun, Pristine Advisers

While it’s important to keep track of the amount of content you’re sending out, tracking the effectiveness of public relations campaigns shouldn’t just be about that, as tracking the amount of content won’t give you an accurate depiction of whether the PR campaign is actually working.

The true measure of a PR campaign’s success is outcomes and behavioral changes, according to William Mills Agency account director David Jones, writing for The Financial Brand.

While advertising and marketing initiatives will often have a direct and measurable impact on success, the true impact of PR programs is more difficult to gauge.

The core of any PR program will have the following three goals, Jones says:

  1. Reach a particular audience with a specific message,
  2. Influence the audience to make a change or take an action.
  3. Create a positive effect on the…

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Comms & The Bottom Line

The distinction between strategic partner and tactician is key. The best way to make sure that alternative opinions are heard is to ensure the one delivering the message (often the communications head) must have the full confidence and trust of the leadership team.

EuroBusiness Media Blog

All too often, communications directors face management teams which regard communications people as add-ons, nice-to-have but non-essential parts of the business. Now there’s proof that the right kind of communications can help a company achieve its business goals.

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