5 tips for Twitter chat success

Twitter chats have been around for about as long as Twitter, but there has never been more to gain from sharing your thoughts with an engaged audience. Putting yourself out there is fantastic for your personal brand as it establishes you as a thought leader in your chosen niche, and can raise your status to industry influencer in no time. In the end, you’ll have more followers, more engagement outside the chats, and you’ll find some likeminded, interesting people to fill your feed. Continue reading 5 tips for Twitter chat success

10 quotable quotes on communication

We don’t often connect Albert Einstein [pictured above] with insights about communications, but as one of the most brilliant minds in the last century, I think it’s fair that we at least hear him out. I often draw on minds greater than my own to help me get a point across, for if there is one truism in this world, it’s that it has all been said and done before.

So, whether you’re looking for guidance, inspiration or validation, quotes from notable communicators can be just the thing to remind you why you got into public relations and communications in the first place. Continue reading 10 quotable quotes on communication

The slow demise of paper.li

There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when paper.li was a powerful tool for those with interests and hobbies to aggregate pertinent news and social media musings from thousands of sources into a neat, tidy, and branded online newspaper. It was great! The options were plentiful, the integration with other distribution channels was seamless, and most of the content was relevant. Continue reading The slow demise of paper.li