Bad bloggers don’t die, they multiply!

As a reader, I have definite opinions about what makes a good blog great, and what makes a bad blog horrible. It’s not scientific by any stretch. It’s actually quite intuitive and visceral. It’s a deep, gut reaction from the moment the link turns purple. It has nothing to do with whether a blogger has a huge audience or not. It has everything to do with the quality of the content. This applies equally to personal and professional blogs.

Now, I’m relatively new to this blogging business, but even I, with my limited exposure and experience, have spotted some examples of absolutely atrocious posts that have to be called out. What’s so upsetting is that they have seemingly ignored some of the most basic blogging advice available. Far more established bloggers than me have addressed this topic, and yet, against all logic, these ‘writers’ continue to pollute my screen with their senseless syllables.

In no particular order, here are some of my biggest pet peeves: Continue reading Bad bloggers don’t die, they multiply!

The road to success is paved with templates

Now that you’ve completed your strategic communications audit, you’ve likely discovered a few deficiencies that you’re in the process of figuring out how to handle.

One of the possible culprits is your brand’s consistency – or its inconsistency, to be more accurate. The look and feel of your organization does not begin and end with its public facing materials. For your brand to truly grow and flourish, it must be lived throughout the organization, in every conceivable incarnation, including your internal documents. Continue reading The road to success is paved with templates